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Author: Bloodied Scriptures Unforeseen Circumstances Rating: M And when he is stolen out of the very life Harry thought he could have, hes determined to hold onto his fraying morality. Broken Author: wyomingnot Summary: Lucius Malfoy wants Harry Potter. Warnings: non con, violence, BDSM Author: Aisling Rating: R Summary: The war is over, and has been for 10 years, but, for Harry, he still fights part of it every day. Rating: NC-17 Summary: Lucius employs a highly unorthodox method to discern the extent of Harrys power. Warnings: OOC Rating: R +12 more. In it, Harry recounts their whirlwind romance and explains why he had to leave. Da Capo Summary:One year passed since Harry came out after a kiss with Lucius. Not So Speechless After All, sequel to Speechless* To their mutual satisfaction, they find they can mix them pretty well. Summary: How Harry likes to live his life. I refuse to apologize. Rating: R Author: SlytherinSan Lucky for him, Hermione came to his rescue. A very surprised Ron and Hermione. Summary: Lucius finds himself in a quandary when his beloved pet tries to escape and then wakes up with no recollection of the past two years in his life. Author: BloodMoon Wicca Like the feel of sunlight on his face, and Luciuss smile, and that he likes long-haired men. The Book of the Hours of Litha Author: luciusmistress Dracos Dad Warnings: non-magic AU, overused plot, bad grammar, Sirius lives, OOC underage, gore Summary: Harry is the son of Lucius Malfoy and James Potter. Summary: Potions class is fun, Harry thinks, because its different than any other class he takes, and he likes to watch people blow things up. Fathers and Daughters Sequel: A Tryst that Becomes More Summary: Harry was happy with what he had; a loving godfather, a lovely godson and he was in a kind of a relationship with the man he had been in love with since he was fourteen. Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Lucius/Fenrir, Lucius/Others Who has a choice? Summary: Harry Potter dropped into the Clue!verse. Rating: M Author:Bridgette_Hayden Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Severus Author: keikokin His footsteps had again led him right into his own personal Room of Requirement: Snapes office. Author: Skye But nothing happens as expected if Harry Potter is involved. Summary: Harry walks in to find his long-time partner with someone else. Author: Crowquill_Scribe Author:FoodTbTz Summary: Harry goes back to his master. Author: leni_jess Rating: R Summary: Harry goes back to school after OotP with a list of Things He Must Do Something About, including keeping Draco from the Dark. Rating: NC-17 Pairings: Harry/Bellatrix, Harry/Voldemort Author: Sefiru No Doubt Mentor. Rating: NC-17 Summary: Harry has been captured by the Death Eaters. he was a freak. In The Name of Greater Good World Like Fallen Apples Author: bcandii Warnings: implied past mpreg Rating: NC-17 Summary: Completely and totally fed up with Wizarding Britain, Harry walks off and leaves them to deal with things for themselves. Warnings: infidelity Rating: R Lord Lucius Will Harry win? Rating: M Rating: NC-17 Summary: Harry thanks Lucius Malfoy for his unusual present in an unusual way in an unusual for Harry place. Like how he lives it now. Damage Control* He applies for, and gets, the job of Defence Instructor at Durmstrang Institute. Rating: NC-17 Author: ldybastet Warnings: non con, mpreg, mates A Different Sort of Knights Tale Rating: NC-17 Huntsmans Honor Rating: NC-17 Summary: When Harry sneaks into Hogwarts nether regions to spy on a visiting Lucius Malfoy, he has no idea what hes getting himself into. Summary: To cement a treaty of peace after the war, two of the combatants must marry. Rating: PG-13 Rating: NC-17 Unwilling at first, they stick together and try to get along. Lost in the Crowd What Is and What Will Never Be* Warnings: darkfic Rating: M Summary: After one year of service, Harry Potter is about to earn a place for himself. Summary: Harrys romantic birthday surprise from Lucius. Summary: No summary provided. Summary:His friends dont understand. Pairings: Harry/Lucius/Severus Harry discovers in an unusual way that Lucius is a veela and he is his mate. No Reason To Wait Rating: R Author: elvirakitties And its taking a huge toll on him. Summer Fun Alone? Only The Best Pairings:Harry/Lucius, Harry/Severus Warnings: mpreg, creature!fic Rating: R Have Heart Author: ms_anthrophy Author: Pestilence Author: Firesword Rating: NC-17 Lady in Waiting Author: sablesilverrain Warnings: underage, incest, threesome, DP, OOC And so are Harry and Lucius. Rating: PG-13 Fight, if you can win, flight if you cant. Love and Death Summary: Challenge drabble: pairing and title provided. gayromance. Screaming birds sound an awful lot like singing, part 1 of the Heart of the North series Lucius is still in Azkaban, and the MoM has decreed that since the Dementors are gone, all remaining DEs are to be executed unless someone agrees to marry (or bond with) them. Author: wickedblack Unexpected Developments If you can legally peruse the contents, you are welcome to read the blog's background story (see posts below). Author: Scifinerd92 Harry and his friends discover that being a teenager and growing up isnt all that fun. Summary:Lucius, Lord Malfoy had a gift. Many say that its hard. Summary: Written for Fluffy Llama who wanted to see Harry magically hidden someplace where he can see people coming to look for him whilst he is in Lucius clutches but nobody else can see or hear him. Summary: Pansy Parkinson babysits one night for Harry Potter and snoops around to determine who the other parent is and uncovers a secret. Author: annescriblerian Rating: Not provided Author: homeskull bob Sympathy Goodbye Hed been stared at by everyone in the wizarding world for the past five years, so the elfs apparent obsession wasnt anything the young man was phased by. Author: isabeau gower Summary: Some games reveal much. Summary: What does a fanfiction writer do when he/she is upset? Warnings: underage (implied), darkfic All stories are oneshots and therfore no further thoughts of expanding any. Summary:When Professor Dumbledore sends Lucius and Draco Malfoy to collect Harry Potter from his relatives, neither of them expect to find a beaten and bloodied hero. When you try to see the meaning, hidden underneath, the measure of the depth can be deceiving., Confidence* Summary: A story about Harrys night with someone special. This Pure-Blood fanatic had more appearances in the Harry Potter books and films than any other member of Voldemort's army of Death Eaters. Rating: NC-17 Reminiscence With You Summary: Harry is a Dark Veela but doesnt know it until his seventeenth birthday. Story from Harrys POV. Harry Potter: Made For Each Other Harry and the Highwayman Warnings: fem!Harry, gender change Chemistry sounded cool when he was younger, and potions is about a million times better. Or is it? Lucius is seeking revenge and Harry is going to pay, but at what price to both of them? Pet In that time Severus adopted him. Rating: NC-17 Pairings: Harry/Lucius/Remus Warnings: mpreg, slavery Rating: NC-17 Warnings: A/B/O, mpreg, underage, incest The Way To A Mans Heart* Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco Rating: NC-17 The method he chooses is rather questionable and not altogether successful. Summary: Post-war, Harry feels misplaced and sick of the role he plays. However, his life never goes according to his plan. Warnings: non con, dubcon, sexual slavery, piercing, whipping, bondage, blood, forced exhibitionism, double penetration, first time Rating: NC-17 Well, everyone but Draco. Author: SnapeRulesMaraudersDrool The Weight of the World on His Shoulders Author: Jedi_Knight_Willa Rating: R Spare the Rod A Dance of Snakes and Seduction* Author: Unknown Author: Yami Ryo Letters Holy War* Summary: No summary provided. Rating: NC-17 Harry, gifted himself with power that hes grown tired of denying, decides that he might as well enlist Lucius to help him change the Ministry instead of trying to struggle against him. Rating: NC-17 Home From the Hill Summary: Another Lucius veela story but I hope this is different. Author: Faeline Summary: In the wise words of a teenager: Being a Veela sucks. Rating: PG-13 Author: melusinahp Rating:M Rating: NC-17 Inspired by the song Trouble by Coldplay. Pity that didnt help them at all in deciding how to get out of it. Summary: Harry thinks about his lover. Persuasion* Warnings: multiple partners, underage, violence, BDSM, creatures Then, during sex, Lucius reverts back to his actual self, how does Harry take the news? A Will Of Rusted Iron* Warnings: infidelity, Dom/sub undertones Summary: Defeating the Dark Lord comes at a price, and Harry finds out too late just what that can mean. Warnings: non con Summary:Beautiful isnt it? Rating: PG One Last Kiss Oh and lets not forget, seventeen going on eight. Author: abstractconcept Author: keikokin Truth Or Dare? Viridian* lucius plugs harry fanfiction AS | Italian translation** | Chinese translation | Russian translation. He is desperate to become a slave and find himself a Master, but a magical disorder means his only option is to look in the wizarding world. But all wishes are for naught when one belonged to Him-the son of heaven. (Dixiebell). Warnings: OOC Warnings: violence, slightly dark Author: Sestra_Prior Rating: NC-17 Rating: T Author: Ayla Pascal Summary: A strange little ficlet with extremely suggestive references regarding the reason why Lucius Malfoy might obey one Harry Potter in the aftermath of the battle with Voldemort. When he finds the perfect companion, he comes to realise he got more than he bargained for. Summary: When hed left the Manor five years earlier, Harry hadnt planned to return. Rating: NC-17 Not sure if I actually have plot, besides them having great sex eventually. Author:MarauderNextGen Rating: M Rating: NC17 Author: scarletladyy Author: amanuensis Rating: NC-17 Rating: NC-17 Author: Lomonaaeren Rating: NC-17 Author: Crickett_89 Rating: PG Summary:Lucius is very insecure about his sexuality. Rating: NC-17 Rating: NC-17 Warnings: non con, pwp Author: LinW Summary:Prince Harry Potter is coming into his Veela inheritance and the whole Veela kingdom is invited. Can they survive everything thrown their way or will they find themselves in over their heads? Danger! Rating: R Turning the Tide What will happen next as they both become attracted to each other? Word: Oubliette. Author: Jessarie Rating: PG Summary: A few years after the war Harry finds himself in a muggle bar when the last person he expects to see walks in. Its Over Summary: Successful heroes dont always live happily ever after. It does not help when Lucius drags him into a street of pleasure and sin. Healers Orders Rating: M Author: keikokin He unfastened the front of his robes, giving Harry just a glimpse of pale white skin. Summary:Lucius Malfoy offers the order a way to destroy Voldemort as long as they are willing to make one small sacrifice. But when he is sent to the Malfoy Manor, will the presence of an ex schoolmate be enough to shift his loyalties? Author: bluedraoninamber Author: Koanju Innocence of the Young Rating: NC-17 Harry potter fanfiction lucius finds out about the blood quill The Darkness Inside: Part 2 Summary: Drabble Fic for Beloved Enemies list based on word challenge 516 words; I dont know where the title OR the fic came from, damn muses. Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Snape. Author:Lomonaaeren Summary: Should be easy enough, anyway. Author: Hijja Rating: R Royal Mate Rating: R Suparna Warnings: minor character death But if I have to be trapped in anothers body once more, none could be more fitting for me and more torturous for him than his.. Summary: Though Harry tries to hold on, hes fighting a losing battle against the Dark, and Lucius intends to be the one to finally break him in any way he can. Summary:In the rain what started a life ended it. Sex ED Author: harrymalfoypotter22 Fed up, Harry seeks out Snape to continue his Occlumency lessons, but Harry cant stop thinking about the visions that Voldemortwith the assistance of Lucius Malfoyhas been sending. Montagues Law* Author: DemonYazuha Repercussions of a Time Traveling Father Rating: NC-17 War Crimes Rating: M Warnings: bonding, fluff, probably OOC Pairings: Lucius/Harry, Harry/Narcissa/Lucius, Harry/Draco Rating: NC-17 Hidden Paths* Do they have enough time, or is slipping away already? Rating: NC-17 Where is he? Author: keikokin Rating: PG Pairings: Severus/Harry, Severus/Harry/Lucius Into Oblivion The snow. Author: maebytonight Summary: Harry has fled from the wizarding world, seeking freedom from persecution. Rating: R No Real Risk Author: Bonfoi Author: Scribegirl Sweet Tooth of Seduction Summary: Lucius may be a spy, but that doesnt mean hes forthcoming with information. But in the end, he can choose only one. Author: Kadira Warnings: enslavement, non con, mpreg Summary: Working in the Ministry Harry leads a double life and keeps an important secret. Author: belleamant Rating: NC-17 Warnings: non con, violence, mental health issues, Stockholm Syndrome (implied), suicide (implied) The Beginning of The End Rating: R Summary: A new Dark Lord? Summary: Every long road has a turning eventually; Luciuss ex-lover Severus and Severuss lover Harry will help him find it. Summary: Harry had been missing for 4 months since the end of the war. Dont look for anything too serious here; its all about the smut. Pairings: Harry/Lucius/Severus Always Rating: NC-17 Summary:Harry and Lucius get a little frisky in Professor Snapes classroom. In an effort to find some peace she helps him escape his fame, but will he enjoy it? Little by little he remembers his past life, but Harry Potter no longer exists. Valentinus Is A Bastard As Proud As Love Parody of the movie A Knights Tale. Rating: M Rating: NC-17 Me and Mr Malfoy* Summary: Remus has been a solitary creature for most of his life. Author: knightmare Author: Hijja Unfortunately it wasnt ment to last. Rating: PG Its kind of nice having Lucius Malfoy under house arrest instead of in Azkaban, so that Harry doesnt have to deal with worries about him escaping or dying. Rating: NC-17 Rating: R Author: orphan account Author: shamelessnameless Unsung Heroes* Spinning Off Course* Rating: M Warnings: mpreg Author:Cut-Wrist Kate Rating: R Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Snape, Harry/Voldemort, Harry/Draco Author: keikokin Summary: Harry and Lucius try to come up with names for their child. Author: Iulia Linnea Pairings: Harry/Lucius/Draco Rating: NC-17 Author: luciusmistress Summary: In fifth year Harry becomes part phoenix, thanks to Dracos malice. Obliviate Author: Brynja Bloodmire Rating: PG-13 Slave of the Dark Chapter 1, a harry potter fanfic | FanFiction Author: Depraved Necromancer (BvinYa_Raama) Rating: NC-17 Author: ohmymarylou Djinn I Know So, the Minister for Magic says he lives with a wealthy family, but the father only agrees if he marries his. Rating: NC-17 Rating: NC-17 Summary: If you read this before, try it again. Rating: NC-17 Summary: A fast moving parody of the movie Liar, Liar. Author: keikokin The Magic of Music Glimpse of Hope* Land, Sky and Higher Author: Hijja Summary: A drabble: Love is my sin, and thy dear virtue hate. Summary: King Lucius Malfoy has not found his mate, until one night, he meets a lovely girl at a ball.