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Some of those were returned after being altered to conform to the narrative. In the podcast linked below, Horne clearly explains in some detail whats (now) known about the provenance/chain of custody for the Zapruder Film, including whether/where it was altered: MWN Episode 107 Douglas Horne on the Zapruder Film Alteration Debate. (PDF) The Zapruder Film - ResearchGate (p.671), Motion pictures, when they were first sought to be introduced in evidence, were frequently objected to and sometimes excluded on the theory that they afforded manifold opportunities for fabrication and distortion. Kinser opened a golf course in Austin. Nov 20, 2011 A very, very long shot, so probably not. kind enough to do an impromptu interview with me for the third segment of his It was rumoured that Josefa Johnson had affairs with John Kinser and Mac Wallace. Abraham Zapruder- Zionist Jew who was in the perfect spot to unflinchingly film the execution of I think I described it in my statement as though someone was shooting a revolver into a hard object it seemed to have some type of an echo. It later transpired that allegedly, Kinser had been having an affair with Wallaces wife. Zapruder film continues to resonate in era of social media, smartphones. Daddy had seen suicides before. Hargis says that Greer "slowed down almost to a stop." . It wasnt found in or near the snipers nest, i.e. ! | Olga Fehmer, the mother of LBJs future personal secretary, (Marie) worked closely with the man who would later capture the assassination on film: Abraham Zapruder, in the same city of Dallas. During the interview at Brugionis home on April 28, 2011, he was shown a good image of frame 313 from the extant Zapruder film the so-called head explosion obtained from the National Archives. This amounts to a running time of precisely 28 seconds. Frame 150 from the Zapruder film. Other anomalies were that the blood spray cloud in the original was also missing and that there was other parts of the film he remembers that seem to have been altered/vanished. REMEMBER: at the time (around 2003), and The conventional story is that he took the disassembled rifle into the TSBD on the day of the assassination in a paper bag, or a bag made out of the wrapping paper used to wrap books at the TSBD Oswald allegedly said this package contained curtain rods the paper bag was also found. A Texas Ranger artist, Thadd Johnson, drew a facial sketch based on a description given by Griffin. If Clint Hill told the truth when he testified before the Warren Commission, then without knowing it he witnessed a second head shot. In reality, theZapruder film was in the custody of the CIA (including Brugioni initially) and an element of the Secret Service notLIFEmagazine from late Saturday evening through Monday morning of that fateful weekend. Nix stated, The schoolbook depository building. When they edited the tape for broadcast, the sequence was blatantly changed to show Nix saying he heard the shots coming from the schoolbook depository building. The marriage ended in divorce in 1945. It just does not have anywhere near the velocity of a rifle. But we do know that a tremendous amount of chicanery has been performed in the presentation of evidence in this entire case. He shot to death a man named John Kinser who managed a pitch and putt golf course. BEFORE JFK, RFK, MLK, JFK Jr, GOOGLE: THE SUICIDE OF HENRY MARSHALL. Analyzing the film frame-by-frame in relation to other evidenceincluding two key photos by Phil Willis and Ike Altgenshe builds a convincing case against the official findings. I immediately looked to my right, and, in so doing, my eyes had to cross the Presidential limousine and I saw President Kennedy grab at himself and lurch forward and to the left. In total, the Zapruder film was viewed by this group on a frame-by-frame basis and at various speeds approximately 100 times. Olga Fehmer ALSO worked at Nardis of Dallas with Abraham Zapruder and Jean LeGon DeMohrenshildt. by destroying the impact of his seminal and historic 1966 book, The upper right side of his head explodes, blowing brains and bit of bone in an expanding pink cloud. senior law enforcement officials in the lead car, as well as motorcycle On Thursday, March 24, 2011, I happened to be in Vancouver, British Columbia. (It shows up only as a white blur on the blue near the bumper.). This is supported by the fact that his arms are locked into position until 313] (1/10-2/10 of a second after 223-4) Connallys hat (held in his right hand) begins to move in a reflex response to his radius bone being broken), Kennedys torso pitches forward suddenly (to 231). 7 missing Zapruder frames - Google Groups using modern coding practices: JFKs head movement from Frame312 to Frame313 Two sets of briefing boardswere made by Brugoni and his crew at NPIC: one for the customer (the Secret Service), and one for CIA Director John McCone. Soon after, Hill was asked, Was there anything back there that you observed, that she might have been reaching for? His response: I thought I saw something come off the back, too, but I cannot say that there was. This is perhaps the simplest way to see with your own eyes the fundamental evidence of Zapruder film fakery, Grappling with the power of Abraham Zapruder's grimly immortal footage, one fraction of a second at a time. For more on this, go here.). I then overlaid three black and white Josiah Thompson, author of Six Seconds in Dallas, said in his book, The present study seeks to make proper use of the photographs inasmuch as they constitute the only inviolable form of evidence. Marshalls wife (Sybil Marshall) and brother (Robert Marshall) refused to believe he had committed suicide and posted a $2,000 reward for information leading to a murder conviction. JPs depend on us and our judgments about such things. (Click any panorama below to open in a new tab. Zapruders view of Kennedy is blocked by a highway sign. THE NUMBER, TIMING, AND SOURCE OF THE SHOTS FIRED - JFK assassination It establishes the pattern of altering, obfuscating and deep sixing the actual events of the conspiracy. His rifle lay beside him. It was out of print and expensive to buy second-hand for many years, but Typical of the WC not to cover or investigate that important point i.e. I see your interests in slowmotion sequences Ray. It would be impossible to secure with any advance reliability and would require a horizontal tracking shot, more difficult than a shot where the target is moving away or towards the shooter or not in motion. Kennedy is sliding into Mrs. Kennedys lap, much of the flesh and bone of his skull hanging hinged by the skin. the 6th floor window from where he allegedly fired the shots it was found way across the 6th floor, stashed behind a stack of boxes (presumably he put it there on his way to go down the stairs; actually the time it would have taken him to do that was an issue in the WCs attempt to reconstruct what happened). "A 3-D Lighting and Shadow Analysis of the JFK Zapruder Film (Frame 317 78,583 views The umbrella does not move and the dark complected man stands STILL throughout with his right arm in the air. Jackie could have carried with her (say in her flowers) some single-shot Derringer and shot him from the base of his occipital lobe. Do Jews just stand around on street corners, hoping to get lucky? Under this theory, a photograph is viewed merely as a graphic portrayal of oral testimony, and becomes admissible only when a witness has testified that it is a correct and accurate representation of the relevant facts personally observed by the witness. One of the mossad sharpshooters is actually mentioned in the Warren report as having picked up a cleaning lady call to Rubys apartment. In analyzing the Zapruder film, there is a jiggle right after Z-frame 313 and Zframe 330, confirming that a shot was taken after Z-frame 313. Other witnesses had the same impression. recent interview on Black Op Radio (2011), A simple introduction to the Johnson interpreted this as a blackmail threat (Josefa had told Kinser about some of her brothers corrupt activities). The stories I find the most convincing are those involving a reference point associated with the sound of the shot, as shown in the case of Clint Hill. Superb piece by Russ here, quickly giving a clear window into the fact that the real truth has been suppressed. Dino A. Brugioni was thechief information officer and briefing board czar at NPIC for about two-and-a-half decades. I dropped in on Len Osanic in the Fiasco Bros recording studios, and he was .41 caliber, single Shot Derringer, 2 3/4 half round half octagon barrel | Motivy Instead, they have ALL the copyrights. Hidden in Plain View -- The First Dealy Plaza Shot in the Zapruder Film He also stated that the film showed the nation was missing frames when JFK was hit..showing that the vehicle did in fact stop, as many eye-witnesses reported. forward and downward, consistent with a shot coming from behind. Is Scopolamine (Devils Breath) a Widespread, Undetected Threat? Another reference point is the moment a photographer takes a picture. Now you can begin to study the assassination of JFK, RFK, MLK, JFK Jr. Its just unbelievable. Milicent Cranor is a senior editor at WhoWhatWhy. Frame 313 of Zapruder Film (Famous Photograph) - Writely Expressed the frames that capture the instant that the bullet strikes President. https://worldtruthvideos.website/watch/secret-behind-the-camera-jfk-assassination-zapruder_H5VdiXVfm7s6Puz.html, The War on Islam: 9/11 Revisited, Uncovered & Exposed, The Hidden World of Benjamin Disraeli, a Made Man and Opportunist, William Mellon Hitchcock: Bon Vivant Who Helped Bankroll the LSD Counterculture, The Foundations Fund the Hack Abraham Flexner to Standardize Medicine, Robert Phoenix and Russ Winter Reveal the True Hidden History of the Dreyfus Affair, Robert Phoenix and Russ Winter Skewer the Architects Of Dystopia, Monthly Sane Asylum with Focus on the Nature of Black on White Threat, Podcast: Tim Kelly, Russ Winter Examine the Widely Ignored Assassinations of McKinley, Patton and Forrestal, Robert Phoenix and Russ Winter Expose the Neo-con Progenitors, Monthly Sane Asylum with Focus on the Off the Charts FTX Grift. Happened On Elm Street? His heirs were given $16 million in just compensation for the taking of the film by the U.S. government. New JFK assassination files: Why the Zapruder film fueled doubts about To really know what happened in Dallas, Texas, 22 Nov. 1963, you need the help of some former MAGICIANS (CIA, FBI, SECRET SERVICE etc). It seems that there are some who are trying to refute the idea that the single bullet theory would have to be some sort of magic bullet to inflict the injuries that it did to Governor Connally. They are doing this by saying that the Governor was actually sitting in a LOWER position in front of President Kennedy, and at least 9 to 12 to his LEFT. Homer McMahon did not independently recall Captain Sands; but when informed of Hunters recollection, McMahon did subsequently remember the presence of a Navy captain, who had met the customer and granted him access to NPIC. Yep, its hard to imagine them not experiencing that transcendental Catharsis, Edger J Hoover Abraham Zapruder Earl Warren = 33rd Degree Freemasons and Shriners. https://www.assassinationscience.com/johncostella/jfk/intro/index.html, A pink Chanel suit was worn by Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy on November 22, 1963, when her husband, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas. Duluth, Minnesota in 2003. I recall reading that the blur on frame 313 at the moment of the shot may have been the result of Mr. Zapruder's muscle reaction to the shot.Many also have said that his back brace prevented him from movement keeping him in a more upright position thus providing a better target.On a separate matter, I am of the opinion that a competent and experienced sniper would never choose the grassy knoll as a potential hide. Are they simply able to switch on the cameras in their phones faster than the rest of us? https://jackiekilledjfk.webs.com/wherestheevidence.htm, https://jackiekilledjfk.webs.com/wheresthemotive.htm. In 2003 I put together a reference set of > In reality, Abraham Zapruder was determined to make as much money as he could off of the film, and did. (from Pinterest. Just 3 Freemasons active in Dallas 22 November 1963. This kind of motion is grossly asymmetric relative to the front/back (sagittal plane), and is a large, A detailed shot timing analysis suggests that Goveror Connally's reaction at z162 does not appear to be consistent, from a reaction time standpoint, with a proposed shot causing a possible Zapruder camera jiggle at z158. This is the traditionally held time for that the second shot hit him. | Kennedy is clearly raising his right arm. The "lone gunman" theory or conspiracy theory: it all depends on the origin of this shot. In addition to this interview, Hornes analysis may be read here. Zapruder was a top-ranked 33rd-degree Freemason and inspector general of the Scottish Rite. > [Numerous Ear-witnesses recall the first shot being about this point, when the car has just turned the corner onto Elm Street]. and angles of depression, Zapruder panorama only, with gridlines, compass bearings, Zapruder and Hughes film Synchronization Jewish journalistReese Schonfeld,who later became one of the co-founders of CNN, stewarded the film at UPI. my 2003 simple introduction But it may be more important. His analogy, standing against something metal strongly suggests he was in contact with the car when JFK was shot in the head. In 1967, film artist Bruce Conner incorporated the Zapruder film in his influential Report, a stirring montage of news footage and voiceovers from the day of the assassination. Zapruders position indicated by yellow arrow on the Nix film below. Three years later she married Williard White, a lieutenant colonel in the United States Army. JFK assassination film hoax - A simple introduction Nix always maintained, including in an interview with Mark Lane, that he heard shots coming from the grassy knoll. Who shot JFK, Part 4: Zapruder film captures gunshots in Dealey Plaza A careful analysis of John Connally's reactions shows he was hit at Zapruder frame 223. Dec 30, 2011 - The famous Zapruder film was taken apart frame by frame and reassembled in a stable form so that the effect was as if the film was shot from a stable platfor. Russ Winter Qualities that are curiously absent from the character of the one who filmed it. The call was made to the Houston FBI office and apparently did not originate from Haiti, http://www.hiddenmysteries.org/themagazine/vol8/articles/zapruder.shtml, Best evidence I have found that the Zapruder film was a hoax, and that nobody died in that film. A customer at the golf course had heard the shooting and managed to make a note of Wallaces license plate. it is now available on Amazon Kindle. The first Bang can cause the little muscles supporting the eardrum to contract defensively, making one temporarily deaf to a second Bang. But you can tell a lot about where he stood from his film itself. A closeup of this frame reveals how LBJs car has been obliterated and distorted from the frame. The first frame with light and contrast adjusted. The Truth Behind JFK's Assassination - Newsweek 2 man in the chain of command in November 1963. [This is likely when Connally tried to take his next regular breath, the lung punctured only 2/3s of a second before collapsed, and making him feel like hed just been hit; or, he IS hit at this point and his lung collapses at this point]. Zapruder was a top-ranked 33rd-degree Freemasonand inspector general of theScottish Rite.