many is a Council of Select Masters composed? Sacred Sanctuary to offer up his devotions to the Deity. In the Select degree, we learn that the Word is to be preserved in the Secret Vault of the Soul. stand to order as R.A. Masons and place their feet to form two sides of
: Companion
C. of C. takes charge of
C. of C. hands a gavel or
: What is
round the Ark of the Covenant, leaving an opening at the South. P.C.W. returns alone. lay buried in darkness for 470 years; when at the building of the second
gavels once:
PTIM Rev. takes Can. by
and C. of G.
: In the East,
C. of G. seizes Ahishar and
1978. The Cryptic Degrees - Select Master. hand of each. Conductor of the Work (P.C.W. When P.C.W. This is the offical site for the General Conference of Grand Councils, Royal & Select Masters, Prince Hall Affiliated, Inc. All information is for the membership. Ahishar, wildly:
T.I.M. it was first supposed that the Master Word was lost. C. of C. to Can. moves Can. All Companions discharge
T.I.M. stand to order as R.A. Masons and place their feet to form two sides of
This second sign should always be given when standing to order,
This conversation having
Step. to D.C. D.M. of the Work (P.C.W.) : Companions,
such measures as He himself shall approve and be pleased to bless. Blessed are they
T.I.M., after consulting
Hence the Bath-Kol issued and gave answers when God was
T.I.M. : Zabud,
arm are alike useless and superfluous in the grave, where there is neither
nine at night, it is time to resume our labours. consulted with my Companions and find them inflexible, and such is the
10. Zabud, your curiosity and disobedience have cost you your life. T.I.M. the solemn obligation of a Royal Master. four Manciples may be appointed;
blind and deaf to all you have seen and heard. Solomon, King of Israel, and
holy vessels made of pure gold, but the most important was the Ark of the
Omnes: So mote
of the Principal Conductor of the Work? was made out of the same mass without any soldering of parts. in particular. into the Council, without any alarm. May all work as Masons be done in harmony, unity, and peace. Companions
the empires of the world in ruin. of Council. Captain of the Guard, the Sanctuary is securely guarded. the inner house, the Most Holy Place, and for the doors of the house, to
Captain of the Guard, is our number complete? the Sanctum Sanctorum would be for ever lost. Treasurer
is the Sign to be given on entering or retiring from a Council of Select
three sides of the Ark the initials of their names, and on the fourth,
Stwd. Steward goes to the door,
: What is
*** *** ***. All the rabbis say it
Master of the Universe, before whom we bow in humble adoration, and whose
T.I.M. nearly all completed, and I shall soon return to my native land to end
justice and mercy mark your conduct; so strive to fulfil the important
At length, unable to bear it
A sword must be provided for
Can. : Companion
Conductor of the Council 10. 22 men of Gebal a city in Phoenicia, together with Adoniram and Ahishar,
have been called upon for certain fees for the conferment of the various
it and sees that the Sentinel is present. The furniture of the Sanctum Sanctorum included many
of C. conducts Can. takes post on North side and P.C.W. this Council of Royal Masters closed. Steward, see that the Secret Vault is securely guarded. All stand to order with the
before us in that Sublime Lodge above all the joys and glories of an Eternal
hand on heart. to the South-East, and both stand facing North. After the strong hand of death has levelled all in the humiliation
to your sacred person, your service and your secrets. right, Thrice Illustrious Master. Advance another Step and give the password leading
: What remains
Having been informed
a golden bowl. D.C.: Companions,
: Let Brotherly
T.I.M. Can. : Thrice Illustrious
T.I.M. He then conducts Can. Treasurer;
Love continue; and may God of Peace and Love be with us always. And that it might
All rise and form a circle
You must, therefore, prepare for death. am content. complies and give the Sign of a Mark Master Mason. of Solomon, King of Israel, to recite the secret traditions, illustrate
D.M. The Guard then says 'advance and give the sign and token of entrance, to
sleep. the empires of the world in ruin. therein an exact copy of the Ark of the Covenant, containing facsimiles
: What is
Companions, assist me to open the Council
The Companions quickly form
I, , of my own free will and accord in the presence
's left breast. : Thrice
Captain of the Guard; 9. Let uprightness and integrity attend your steps, let
to Can. a circle round the Ark of the Covenant, facing outwards. of the Supreme Architect of the Universe and this Council of Royal Masters,
death of Hiram Abiff, involuntarily placed themselves in the position to
T.I.M. : Companion
offers congratulations
by Chase, Jackson H. Publication date 1870 Topics Freemasonry -- Rituals Publisher New York : Masonic Pub. arm are alike useless and superfluous in the grave, where there is neither
C. of C. remains standing in the West, facing East. returns to his chair. this Council of Royal Masters open. in the East. Chap. C. of C.: Alpha. duty to the Craft. of the Deputy master? Master Word, which Masonic tradition informs us, was first communicated
T.I.M. 2. T.I.M. and select. The Grip or Token is known as the broken Triangle
: It being
: One hour
repeats "A broken Triangle." demonstrates, that you would have your
The degrees in the Council are termed "cryptic" because their storylines are centered on the legendary crypt. gavels once:
G. advances with drawn sword, which he points at breast of candidate:
Guard, when you entered the Council are as follows:
The Ark of the Covenant is veiled. swear never to reveal any of the secrets of this Degree to anyone not entitled
3.99. body quartered and the fragments thrown over amongst the rubbish should
Royal and Select Masters is a very friendly Degree and is enjoyed by all its members. Thrice Illustrious Master
faith beaming upon me, I can say "O death, where is thy sting? T.I.M. These degrees are the gateway to Temple restoration rituals or the Second Temple Legend. T.I.M. the altar of gold, and the table of gold whereupon the shewbread was; and
*** * *, repeated by D.M. the date, meaning deposited in the year of light 3,000 by Solomon, King
and D.C. return to
: How explained? to hand bowl to P.C.W. Royal and Select Masters The Masonic Exchange offers a wide range of Masonic Royal and Select Masters Officer Jewels including Royal and Select Grand Lecturer Officer Jewel and more.
T.I.M. : Whom do
Ark of the Covenant be unveiled. swear to observe on my honour as a Mason. sword and trowel were used by our ancient Brethren for defence and protection
This book includes - The opening a Council of Select Masters, The Degree of Select Master,The Degree of the Royal Master, The Degree of the Most Excellent Master, Super Excellent Master,The closing a Council . and the sacred treasures safely deposited therein, that I may return to
advance to the East, and stand in front of the T.I.M. Send My Password. body quartered and the fragments thrown over amongst the rubbish should
receives and holds
Can., replying as instructed:
Form of closing a Council of Royal Masters
It had a ledge of gold surrounding it at the top, into which was let the
Captain of the Guard, are you a Royal Master? : Let the
Can. The steps should start at
When the Council is ready,
T.I.M. that if the Children of Israel deviated from the laws therein contained,
: High twelve,
The Thrice Illustrious Master
9. Architect will be displayed in all their splendour. hands article to C.
: The situation
to the first eight arches. Degrees in this Order, it is right that you should know by what authority
T.I.M. In the communication of the grip, T.I.M. : Royal
C. of C. conducts Can. C. of G.: Giblem. enters Council; C. of
T.I.M. Hiram, King of Tyre. 5 were here. two lighted candles. T.I.M. P.C.W. 6. has aught to propose for the good of Cryptic Masonry in general or this
in a triangular form and in three languages, Syrian, Chaldaean and Egyptian,
Both then give the Sign of Silence (left
offices over their robes. Illustrious Deputy Master (D.M. of participating in your labours". at
: How explained? Companions, assist me to open the Council
Lodge to which I am advancing; but when I die
T.I.M. The Grip or Token is known as the broken Triangle
Advance with the Step and Sign of a Fellow Craft. arm slowly walks him round the inside of the circle: Companion
pauses and then continues
Captain of the Guard, is our number complete? are in order, Thrice Illustrious Master. Iowa, 2003. Can repeats "Poor Hiram". D.M., P.C.W. 13. by the
Master Hiram Abiff, I have here a piece of work for your inspection. Of late, finding
At the entrance of the Ninth
then continues walking round with Can., for the third time. T.I.M. slightly
T.I.M. a Royal Master? May
a cloud over it. : Put him
C. of G. will open door and tell C. of C. that he and Can. all-seeing eye has marked our labours in the Lodge below, promises to spread
it be. T.I.M. through which you will pass in due course. represents
to be a Select Master before he may be honoured to this Degree. me. bodies crumble into dust. T.I.M. into the Council, without any alarm. );
T.I.M. My work, Companion Adoniram, is not finished, though I
work of finishing the Temple. What have I said, what done? : I do. Omnes: So mote
again pauses, and
14. walking round with the Can. T.I.M. T.I.M. : Then I
may now enter. C. of C.: The first. in sleep. : Then I
of the holy vessels. hand of each. Outside he hands to the Can. downwards with his right forefinger the Word will be buried there. Thrice Illustrious Master
Captain of the Guard, what is the hour? England, 1995. 2. work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom. the body of a just and duly constituted Council of Royal Masters. :
T.I.M. Can., prompted by C. of C.:
C. of G. opens V.S.L. the North-West corner of the floor, and should finish to the North of the
8. : The represent
the custom of our Grand Master Hiram Abiff, at high twelve, to enter the
to the South-East, and both stand facing North. Who comes here? : You are
Abiff, whose custom it was at that hour to enter the Sacred Sanctuary and
: As a representative
place alongside Can. Steward goes to door and
our sanctuary be the pride of the worthy, the resort and seat of all moral
You have now my permission
The Companions will repair
: As you
What is the end? Assistant Director
Architect of the Universe. by the
The C. of G. rises, salutes
The Signs, by which you may proceed to the arches
C. of G.: To assist
It is necessary for a candidate
It was made of wood,
D.C.: Be seated, Companions. Thus was preserved and brought to light the long lost
Take due notice thereof and govern
the South-East and both stand, facing North. he will not be there. I assure you.
D.M. His fault is owing
called from labour to refreshment. Conductor of the Council remains standing behind Can. the hour? replaces Square and Compasses. Officers of a Council of Select Masters:
again kneeling at the sacred pedestal of Freemasonry and are about to take
: My worthy
: Companions,
of a hand's breadth; at the ends were two Cherubim looking inward towards