History shows that neither the Shoshone nor the Paiutes who populated this area of Utah did very well after their contact with settlers starting in the 1850s. Treading the grounds of St. Annes today, one feels the dark energy almost as a physical force. They were sent sporadically after 1959 when the Catholic Church took over the camp, and its difficult to believe that no other haunting, residual or intelligent have ever been reported, even before the Sisters came to the retreat. the dispatcher asked. Legendary swimming pool at St. Anne's Retreat The Fife Folklore Archives at Utah State University houses about fifty legend versions of St. Anne's Retreat, and an additional twenty-six of the related Hecate legend version, collected by students through the years. Collection of legends on revenants at Saint Ann's Retreat, Logan Canyon, This page was last edited on 15 January 2023, at 14:53. The site made national news in 1997, when a group of trespassing teens drawn by stories of haunting were confronted at the camp by three watchmen, who herded them into an empty swimming pool, tied them up and threatened them with shotguns until police arrived. Two building landmarks of the city are the Logan LDS Tabernacle completed in 1878, and the Logan LDS Temple completed in 1884. Logan, Utah isn't the place you would associate with pregnant nuns, kidnapping, or even torture. They said they were told that if they moved the ropes would tighten, trigger an explosive and their heads would be blown off. St. Annes today, is essentially in ruins. Proudly powered by Omeka. He was the father of two and had told his wife he was going to get some bait. Most paranormal investigators eventually encounter stories of injustice and hidden truths, and identify them as the catalyst for full-blown intelligent hauntings.So lets go back to the beginning. The resulting court trial for the guards caused uproar in Logan that was widely documented in area newspapers.In 2006 it was placed on the National Register of Historic Places, and as of 2014, the property is under new ownership. They go to other places in Utah for their nighttime walks, places where they dont feel the spirits are on their tail. 0 . This site wasnt referred to as St. Anns Retreat until after 1959 when the Sisters of the Holy Cross would come to the camp for respite. Proudly powered by Omeka. Search for related records in these catalogs: Allowed tags:

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